Tódor Kármán Defense Industry and Technology Knowledge Center
Based on Zrínyi 2026 strategy, the reconstruction of Hungary's defense industry and the complete modernization of the Hungarian Armed Forces started in 2018. In the future, the defense industry may be one of the determining factors of Hungarian innovation performance, while becoming a leading sector of the economy. A crucial element of the defense industry is preparing the human factor, raising its skills and applicability to the world level - including both research and development, and management skills. Based on this, it is justified to build and expand the cooperation between domestic university training and university-related R+D+I, as well as the defense industry.
During the creation of our University's Defense Industry Knowledge Center, a complex activity will take place that involves all three faculties of the University on a scheduled basis. The expansion of the dual training, the development of educational topics and military industry career model, exploration and the development of supplier relationships, innovation management and knowledge management training, D4D project preparation (design for defense), support of "proof of concept" projects, defense industry company evaluation/dual technologies evaluation, green defense industry, water industry, food safety are all related to Hungarian defense industry and military industry developments.
In the near future, the GAMF Faculty of Technology and Information Technology will launch a 7-semester "Weapon Manufacturing and Design Engineer" BSc specialization course, in which, after 4 semesters of general mechanical engineering training, it is possible to choose a 3-semester specialization in weapon design.
As a result, our University is the first in our country to build the knowledge base of the domestic defense industry within the framework of an organized education, which contributes to strengthening the academic and higher education prestige of John von Neumann University.
As a higher education institution with an internationally competitive, broad-based training portfolio, research potential and infrastructure, our university can become an indispensable professional support organization of the Hungarian defense industry in the medium term.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
E-mail address: csuhaj.imre@mva.hu