If you are sick first please call the doctor of University on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00, he will guide you what you need to do.

Dr. János Horváth is available on the following mobile phone numbers: +36 302299316.


He can speak in English and accept your EU card.


In emergency, weekends, during night time when you are sick (fever, vomiting, flu, coughing, etc.) you can go to the hospital Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kórház, its address is Kecskemét, Nyíri út 38.

Monday – Friday: 5 pm – 8 am
Saturdays, Sundays, holidays: all day


Cost of treatment:

Citiziens of the European Union:

This case you should have an EU health insurance card. EU health insurance covers most of the charges for medical treatments excluding cosmetic, dental treatments and a couple others. It is advised to ask the doctor or medical facility if you are not sure. 
More information here: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=857&langId=en&intPageId=1304

Everyone else:

If you have a health insurance, you should see about what kinds of treatment it covers. Also ask the medical facility if they accept your insurance. Otherwise you have to pay for the treatment. 


Medical facilities in Kecskemét:

Bagoly Egészségház (Kecskemét, Bagoly u. 1/A)

Rendelőintézetek (Kecskemét, Piaristák tere 7.)

Bács-Kiskun Megyei Kórház (Kecskemét, Nyíri út 38.)


Non stop pharmacy in Kecskemét:

Euro-Patika Bt. (Kápolna u. 15.)


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"Pillintrip.com is an online resource designed to provide detailed and up-to-date pharmaceutical information on drug substitutability worldwide. Pillintrip.com is the only and unique resource of its kind that allows you to search for analogues of drugs around the globe. Our experienced employees constantly analyze and update the site with the help of information that is painstakingly collected on the Internet. Since the information is mostly intended for travelers, tourists and expatriates, we rely on data collected in all countries of the world."


112 is one of the emergency numbers in Hungary.

In addition to Hungarian, the call can be answered in English, German and in some cases in Romanian.

The European emergency number 112 is not the only emergency number in Hungary. The national emergency numbers are:

  • 104 - ambulance & emergency medical services
  • 105 - fire-brigade, rescue services, civil protection
  • 107 - police