2024-09-12 09:57

The 2024 Graduation Ceremony of the MBA graduates was held on 6th September

The 2024 Graduation Ceremony of the MBA graduates-Master of Business Administration-organized by the Faculty of Business and Economics of John von Neumann University was held on Friday, 6 September 2024, on the University Campus. On this occasion, 43 graduates received their diplomas.

The ceremony was addressed by Dr. habil. Tamás Fülöp, Rector of JvNU, Dr. Tihamér Margitay, Associate Professor of the ELTE Faculty of Economics and Dean of the ELTE Faculty of Business and Economics, and Dr. József Kárpáti, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics. Melinda Zámboriné Farkas, MBA student, gave a speech on behalf of the graduates.

Every year, the university awards prizes for outstanding academic achievement. This year, a total of three students were honoured.

Following the presentation of the diplomas, the graduates traditionally celebrated with a tossing of caps, followed by a toast.