2022-10-26 09:57
Dr. György Matolcsy, Governor of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB), gave a presentation of his book entitled "On the Edge of Times" at our university today. The main subjects of his presentation and his book, written in English, are sustainability, the new East-West dilemma, patterns and cycles, competitiveness, digitalization and change.
The book is a collection of, and conclusions from pieces of correspondence that the author conducted over a period of three years with Western European liberal economists, thinkers, and opinion leaders.
The book presentation was followed by a panel discussion with the participation Dr. György Matolcsy, Dr. Norbert Csizmadia, president of the János Neumann University Foundation, and Barnabás Virág, vice president of the Hungarian National Bank. Here, the participants talked more informally about the new economic policy outlined in the book. In the new, unfolding world order, according to Matolcsy, there will be no place for a third player, Europe, as an entity of the United States of Europe, so we need to focus on development based on innovation, and move towards sustainability in every area and every aspect, as order can only exist in a world that operates in a sustainable manner.